Monday, October 3, 2011

Ode to an Aussie

I love my dog. I love him. I thought long and hard about a more complex and philosophical way to start this blog, but I finally quit trying because the truth is, I LOVE my dog. I used to be petrified by dogs. I crossed paths with this really mean wiener dog once when I was three… plus, there was this massive, black dog that used to follow me home from the school bus every day. Terrifying. I would inhale and exhale short, sporadic breaths, walk slowly, and hope beyond hope that he didn’t smell my fear.

This fear, as I aged, morphed into a simple hatred and loathing. They shed, they bark, they salivate, they jump, they have teeth, they must be constrained on a rope of sorts… that should tell you something… dogs were an invaluable breed to me, as in, they had absolutely NO value. However, whether you’ve never heard or are still unconvinced, I must testify that the God who created us – the One in whom we live, and move, and have our being – not only creates but also transforms… our hearts… if we are open to the switch. And on October 30th in the year 2007, a little ball of red merle fur was birthed into the world in order to fill up a little part of life’s cup that I never knew was empty. My dog rocks. He’s awesome. Some say we have a spiritual connection… like, literally, people say that. Moreover, I now love all dogs – red and yellow, black and white, they are all precious in my sight.

I saw this guy on television a few weeks ago who loves dogs, perhaps more than I do. I would like to tell you a bit about this man, but first I need you to ask yourself if you are under the age of 18. If so, then I’m gonna need you to skip to the next paragraph. Thanks. So about this man... I don’t know much about him, but the few things I do know are that A. he loves dogs, and B. he kidnaps, rapes, and decapitates women for pleasure. I saw him on Dateline. He kidnapped this one girl with a dog, did his disgusting thing to her, took tender care of her dog, and then eventually freed her dog because, as he says, “I could never hurt a living animal.” … … I’m so confused. What?!?! “I could never hurt a living animal.” Umm… you decapitate women for pleasure!!

I mean, I get it. People don’t bark, shed, or salivate [mostly]… but they DO lie, cheat, betray, steal, plot revenge, exploit, abuse, and wage war against one another. Compared to dogs, people definitely give others more reason to hate them. No doubt, there are indeed days when I would much rather hole-up in my little apartment and seek companionship from my unconditionally-loving dog than step out into the world and become vulnerable to some judgmental and sin-filled human. [Sidenote: If you would like, you can replace “dog” with “cat”. They make my lungs, eyes, and throat die… and my heart will never be transformed to love them… but somebody has to.]

I remember that time [er, I remember reading about that time] when God created everything. He put this guy in the middle of this garden, and he told the man to name all of the animals - which begs the question, on what day did God create the alphabet? After this man had completed his very lengthy homework assignment, God realized that no animal created was a suitable companion for the man. So… God made another kind of man, a kind of man even better than the first man [just kidding… not really] called “woman” – because even with all of those unconditionally-loving, awesome animals, God still realized that man would “be alone” and that’s not good [Genesis 2:18].

Here’s my point. I love my dog. I mean, I love him. I truly believe that God gave him to me at the point in my life where I needed him the most. I also believe that it is possible to have a “spiritual connection” with him. [which I DO, btw] However, at the end of the day, I must always admit that my dog… is just a dog. He’s a dog… and God created us to have “spiritual connections” with people… because even though we lie and cheat and steal and wage war, God knows we are still the best possible companions we could ever have.

Now maybe you’re reading this and thinking, “Of course he’s just a dog. And, of course you’re not supposed to place dogs [ok, or cats] in the place of humans. Weirdo!” Judge me if you wish, but I truly believe there are people in this world [ahem, Dateline guy?] that treat animals better than they do the human beings placed in front of them. We are called, and created, to love each other. We are made to treat other human beings with respect and grace and forgiveness, perhaps the same kind you’ve been so generously lavishing upon your labradoodle when he chews up your shoe.

It’s a big deal that God, in the first two chapters of his first book, made such a point to ensure that we were not to be alone. Indeed, it was the first time in two chapters that God called something “NOT good”. We have a God that seeks to take care of us, to provide us with the tools that will aid us best… and, other than food and shelter, the first thing God gave us to wade through the waters of life was each other. 

May we not hole ourselves up in our solitude. May we not allow ourselves to become old spinster “cat ladies” or “dog men”. May you let people in, and may you propel yourself out into the world, as difficult and uncomfortable as it may be. And, perhaps, you will find filled a little part of life’s cup that you never knew was empty.

Did I mention, I love my dog...


  1. You got it going on!

  2. I think the whole created for community bit is why I think Christianity works best in church or the like as opposed to being spiritual at home, like a lot of the youngins claim to. Not judging, just my experience.

    Fascinated by Dateline Dude’s disconnect between valuing animal life over humans. Its usually the inverse. When the whole Michael Vick scandal broke, one of my mates said that if you would do that to a dog, it wouldn’t take much to do that to a person. It made sense to me, at least for somewhat normal blokes. It doesn’t sound like Dateline Dude qualifies as normal though. Somebody should have told him serial killers are supposed to torture pets.

    If anybody skipped that part of the post, disregard the paragraph above.

    Glad you seem to like your dog. Gotta say it: lucky dog.

    Thanks for the post. God bless.

  3. Hey, I loved my hamsters, my bunny, and my dolls, and yet now that they're gone, (except the dolls) I still want a kitten and a bird or two. I didn't love my I wasn't so sad when they died. robobly because of fear of our cats. No, I didn't forget to feed them. Ever. Okay maybe once............
